The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

I didn’t love The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.  There were aspects of it that I liked, but overall, it left me feeling kind of blah.  I thought the cast was first rate, particularly Dev Patel, Judi Dench, Bill Nighy, and of course Maggie Smith.  I liked the premise, but there was just something that rubbed me the wrong way about it.

The movie centers around Evelyn (Judi Dench), a recent widow who has to sell her home to pay off her husband’s debts.  This leaves her in a predicament similar to several other elderly Brits: ready to retire but not satisfied with the options available.  This group includes Douglas (Bill Nighy) and Jean Anislie (Penelope Wilton), who have been married for 39 years, Graham Dashwood (Tom Wilkinson), a recently retired high court judge, Muriel (Maggie Smith), a racist former housekeeper heading to India for a hip replacement, Norman is a skirt-chaser who is a bit past his prime, and Madge (Celia Imrie), who is out to find herself a wealthy husband.

Evelyn and her troop head out to the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel in India, run by Sonny, an eternal optimist whose hotel leans a little more on the side of a dump than a perfect retirement place for “the elderly and beautiful”.  Some adjust better than others.  Evelyn thrives, whereas Ms. Anislie struggles.  Graham reconnects with his past, and Muriel starts connecting with the Indians around her.

If the cast sounds like a list of who’s who in the British acting community, it is, and they all bring their A-game.  Unfortunately, the material just isn’t up to par.  I wanted to like this movie, but I just didn’t.

On a side note, if you missed the Golden Globes, check out Will Farrell and Kristen Wiig introducing the Best Actress nominees.  This is what really made me want to see this movie, even though it didn’t live up to their description.

OPI Black Cherry Chutney

Going along with the Indian theme, I give you OPI’s Black Cherry Chutney.  This is a pretty awesome polish, and I’m not just saying that because it reminds me of black cherry soda (I do love me some black cherry soda).  This is a beautiful deep, reddish-purple color.  Application was a breeze and this picture is only two coats.  As opposed to The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, Black Cherry Chutney is a definite keeper! ~E