Raiders of the Lost Ark

There are not words to describe my love for Indiana Jones. I never get tired of them (no, not even Temple of Doom) and that’s kind of a big deal for me and my infinitesimal attention span. Raiders is my favorite (I think mainly because I want to be Marion Ravenwood when I grow up…) so I’m glad I get to review it. This is where we first meet Dr. Jones, part-time archeology professor and part-time tomb raider (don’t deny it, he’s always going after the treasure). After losing a fancy find to his perpetual nemesis, Belloq (Paul Freeman), Indy is enlisted by the US government to stop the Nazis from acquiring the legendary Ark of the Covenant. To do so, he has to look up an old flame, Marion (Karen Allen) who isn’t completely pleased to see him again, but eventually agrees to help him out.

This movie has everything: romance, adventure, Nazis, snakes, giant boulders, archeology, Harrison Ford…yeah, I think I listed all of the important things. Ford is fantastic as Indiana Jones (no surprise there, he was terrific as Han Solo as well) as are all of the cast in their respective parts. Steven Spielberg is like a kid in a candy store behind the camera and John Williams score is completely iconic. None of the other Indiana Jones movies are as good as this one (although The Last Crusade comes close…gotta love me some Sean Connery). If you haven’t seen Raiders (I think you must live under a rock if you haven’t) go and see it immediately. You won’t regret it.

And on a totally unrelated sidenote: Does anyone else want to marry Seth MacFarlane after watching the Oscars last night, or is it just me? (Call me, Seth!)

OPI Dusk Over Cairo

My polish for this movie is OPI’s Dusk Over Cairo, a coral-y mauve frost monster that was a little bit sheer. This picture is three coats without a topcoat. It’s kind of a matronly color, but I will admit it is a pretty shade and does remind me of a fiery sunset. Still, not my cup of tea. ~K